Андрій Озарчук
AI Expert;
Senior Lecture
e-mail: andriiozarchuk@gmail.com
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Стів Джобс

Quickworld\'s map of the day: Geographical and historical blog
Quickworld's map of the day is a blog website where you can find historical, geographical information and maps of around the world.
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earth :: a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions
See current wind, weather, ocean, and pollution conditions, as forecast by supercomputers, on an interactive animated map. Updated every three hours.
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The Future of STEM Education Needs Mixed Reality
While the future of work is already happening, what about the future of education? And how will mixed reality come into play?
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8 Inventive Examples Of Immersive Technology In Education - VRScout
Share Tweet The use of VR in education can make learning more entertaining, encourage STEM programs, and help with distance education. Moreover, immersive technology can improve students’ learning experience while teaching them to embrace technology. From virtual field trips on the planet Mars to roleplaying as histories greatest public figures, here are eight fascinating examples of […]
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Immersive Learning About IC-Engine Using Augmented Reality
Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that overlay’s an image generated by the computer on a user’s view of real world, thus providing a composite view. Applications on AR includes navigation, marketing, entertainment, tourism, construction, industrial...
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AR & VR in STEM education. Immersive technology that changes STEM
VR and AR are taking the STEM education world by storm. The advancements in technology allow us to come up with new ways to truly change the Ed world.
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360° Virtual Field Trips, Accessible to Everyone | Kai XR
By leveraging 360˚ technology, students can use a laptop, smartphone, or VR headset to browse virtual field trips from anywhere. Welcome to the FUTURE.
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